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Thursday, October 28, 2010

HEY HEY! Due to my laziness I did not kept my promise by straight away after exam post but i still have to thanks to YI JING & SARA helping me to post for the past few weeks. Back to my today AWESOME MEMORABLE DAY! :D WARNING IT WILL BE LONG!

In the morning step into the sch everyone sited by 2011 class line. At that time i sat down i jus feeling like banging the wall. Most of the class pupils i do not know them make me feel so awark and we stied at there for almost 1 hour jus doing nothing. When mr yan announce saying: those ppl have foods for the class party you may go up to the class. I quickly stand up even though i did not have anything. Went up to the class and prepared everything. After that went to the hall for Mr Yeo farewell. I started to be quite high in the hall . (:

2N3's class party! YJ and I went to find our form and co-form teachers. The cake came in to the class is sponsored by the sch and we started to sang a birthday song for 2N3! While we cutting the cake, our teachers slowly gave out our certificates to each of everyone in the class that is prepared by MS PEH! (: Madam juliana ( second form teacher) came in and show us a video prepared by her. After watching we went to watch our class videos prepared by our classmates. Inside have lots of unglam faces but it still look nice. Kept using pau hp to snap snap! :D 11.30am and we are released.

Went out wit yi jing, shu ling , dominic, chun fa, pau, yi feng, leroy and of coures including me! Went to some places and play until around 2pm. After that went to have our lunch at kangkar food court. I ate fruits only.  Then went to my fren house downstair slack around. Reached home 6 plus pm. Snapped lots of photos too.
I have finally done a proper post! (: Will post as soon as possible again.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hai ~! , Yi jing here again (:
I am here to help her post , cause she's LAZY -.-
Ohh ! She fell down and sprint here leg , Suai right ?!
Hahaha , she always like that la , so blur everyone calls her sotong :D
Okie , gtg keep her tag box alive manxzc ! BYE (:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hi S-H-A-R-E-N  R-E-A-D-E-R-'S ♥
Hehe , this pig is super lazy ! PIG Zzzzzz ........
she always say she very tired , dont feel like going out & MORE ~!
Make until i also dont feel like going out ! Idiot D: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
H3h3h3 , i am Yi jing ohhh :D , her laughing mate XD , Okie gtg bye :D
Tag her blog offen kay ? Tag mine too !

Monday, October 18, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010
Life has never been fair. ♥

Hai all <:

-Sara[: helping Sharen Lim to post. I'm such a kind soul alrite?


2day was awesome.

Skool->Hougang->Clarke Quay->Kovan->Home

No netball training for today. (Y)

Took 62 to Hougang,

Took MRT to Clarke Quay.

Sharen bought 1 pack of sticky.

She got into a little quarrel  w/ her frendz uh. :(

Hope they patch back uh.

Sharen den went to kovan to eat w/ Yijing , Cassranda , Felicia.

That all , kbyeeez.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sharon Here.
Posting For Sharen.
I Don't Know What To Post Uhs.
Lets See.
I Think Sharen Is Cute.
Fun To Be With.
Okay I'm Just To Clueless What To Post.
Buh-Bye Then.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

HI! I am back as ppl keep saying that i have not post for quite a long time but it is jus only a week! Be more patient of my posting cause i have been very busy these few days due to trainings and studies. I am tired of all this things. Seriously i can't wait my EOY examinations end. This would be my last post too until my EOY end but pls tag more i will come in and reply you all back asap! :D
During sch hour did not study as our teachers wan us to have a very last break to our EOY  examinations so the whole day we were like watching ice age 3, playing games using our 6 sense and clearing up our class rubbish that we kept for 9 months in the class. Straight away after sch went to change and have self training until 3pm. Went home to bath and went to bugis to meet my classmates (lazy to name the ppl out). We went to have steamboat for our dinner and celebrate yi jing bday in advance! :D After dinner went to bugis street finally bought a new wallet too! :D Back home around 9 plus pm.
OKAYY! thats all about it.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I am back again after 17 days. Miss me? My common test2 has ended. After 5 weeks is EOY going to put more effort than last time so same rules goes will post less.
Okayy rewind to yesterday (27/8/10)
Nothing much happen during the sch hour time. After sch went to compass point wit jing, shuling, mendoza, leroy, boon kiat and pin jie. Went to have our lunch at mac something happen dun wish to say it as it is the past. Went to buy my things too. Later went to action city bought teacher day present for my form and co-form teachers at the spot did the decoration too . It really looks cool and awesome! Went to kovan to meet my parents. Back home then went out again to my parents's shop cause there is some occasions at there.

My fellow classmates:
Is jus 5 more weeks only then we will start seperating classes. Do cherishe each other or else you will regret. Pls do not fight / quarrell for the small little things is really jus wasting each other time only. You all do know each other personalities well so dun insult each other , everything would be fine! Play hard as well as study hard and get into which class that you wan! We have a very good and memorable history dun jus destroy it by like this. CHRISHE THE TIME WE HAVE NOW!

Saturday, August 28, 2010